序号 |
论文题目 |
作者 |
发表刊物名称 |
发表时间 |
论文级别 |
1 |
The intelligent diagnostic system of vegetable diseases based on a fuzzy neural network Mechatronics and industry information |
魏清凤、罗长寿\孙素芬、张峻峰 |
Mechatronics and industry information |
2013.5 |
EI检索号:20132816489027 |
2 |
Application of SARIMA Model in Cucumber Price Forecast |
罗长寿、魏清凤 |
The 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation |
2013.7 |
EI检索号:20134316889033 |
3 |
U Nong Shu Cai Tong System——The Agricultural Expert System Based on U Disk |
Guangda Li, Junfeng Zhang, Huaiguo Zheng |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
2013.2 |
EI:20134516956745 |
4 |
Research on Personalized Courseware Recommendation System of Rural Distance Learning Based on Combination Recommendation Technology |
郭建鑫,赵继春 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials(EI检索) |
2013.6 |
EI检索号:20134316889026 |
5 |
The research of rural mobile learning platform based on Android system |
赵继春,郭建鑫等 |
International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation |
2013.6 |
EI检索号:20133516681293 |
6 |
The research of distance learning platform based on P2P |
赵继春,郭建鑫等 |
International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation |
2013.6 |
EI检索号:20133516681294 |
7 |
Research and application of two-dimensional code in Distance Education stream media system |
乔珠峰、郭建鑫、赵继春 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
411-414 |
EI检索号:20134416920437 |
8 |
Design of Personalized Agricultural Information Recommended Based on Data Extracted |
Feng Yu, XiaoMing Wang, Qian Zhang |
2013 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBET 2013) |
2013.3:119-123 |
EI检索号:20134116829008 |
9 |
Research on the application value and practical exploration of SNS in rural information service |
杨春,郭建鑫 |
ICITMI2013(2013信息技术与管理创新国际学术会议)(EI检索) |
2013.1 |
EI:20134016808222 |
10 |
A method of mobile video transmission based on j2ee |
郭建鑫,赵继春等 |
ICMV2012 |
2012.1 |
EI:20133016522631 |
11 |
The research of distance learning video living and video on demand based on wireless mobile network |
赵继春,郭建鑫等 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
241-244(2012年) |
EI:20130515973693 |
12 |
The research of network public opinion hotspots technologies for internet web |
赵继春,郭建鑫等 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
239-240(2012年) |
EI:20130515973735 |
13 |
A Dynamic Improved Apriori Algorithm and Its Experiments in Web Log Mining |
栾汝朋, 孙素芬,张峻峰,于峰,张倩 |
Proceedings-2012 9th International Conference ov Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2012 |
2012.5.29 |
EI检索号:20130515971545 |
14 |
Study on Agricultural Condition Monitoring and Diagnosing Of Integrated Platform Based on the Internet of Things |
Jinying Yu,Wei Zhang |
6th IFIP WG 5.14 International Conference,CCTA2012 Revised Selected Papers,Part I |
2013.5 |
EI检索号20131016088436 |
15 |
Research on Agricultural Products Quality Control Based on Computer Vision Information Technology |
Zheng Huaiguo |
AICECES 2013 |
2013.5 |
EI:20134116828798 |
16 |
Agricultural Knowledge Grid Construction |
Tan Cuiping, Zheng Huaiguo, Zhang Junfeng |
TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering. |
2013.9 |
EI:20134016808222 |
17 |
Research on Web Application in Distance Education Personalized Recommendation System |
乔珠峰、郭建鑫、赵继春 |
Applied Mechanics and Materials |
2013.5 |
国际会议 |
18 |
"Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process on the Evaluation of Teaching Quality in the Farmer Distance Education Platform " |
戴丽娜,郭建鑫,赵继春 |
ICIBET2013(信息商业与教育技术国际会议)(EI检索) |
2013.3 |
国际会议 |
19 |
Research on the classified training model of Peasants distance education |
陈蕾,张晓静 |
ICIBET2013(信息商业与教育技术国际会议)(EI检索) |
2013.3 |
国际会议 |
20 |
"Application of Developmental Evaluation Method in Rural Internet Education" |
戴丽娜,郭建鑫,赵继春 |
ICCNCE2013(2013计算机、网络与通信工程国际会议)(EI检索) |
2013.5 |
国际会议 |
21 |
Design of personalized learning system in modern distance education for party members and cadres. |
王敏,郭建鑫 |
ICAICTE2013(2013先进信息与通信技术教育应用国际会议)(EI检索) |
2013.9 |
国际会议 |
22 |
Research on the Application of Blended Learning Model in Peasants Distance Education |
陈蕾,郭建鑫 |
ICAICTE2013(2013先进信息与通信技术教育应用国际会议)(EI检索) |
2013.9 |
国际会议 |
23 |
The Effect of ICT on Distance Education and Training Innovation: Perspective of Organizational Change |
陈蕾,王敏 |
ICAICTBM2013 (2013先进信息与通信技术商业与管理应用国际会议)(EI检索) |
2013.9 |
国际会议 |
24 |
Application Research of Information Recommendation Based on Association Rules in Agricultural Information Network |
RuPeng Luan, Qian Zhang, JunFeng Zhang |
2013 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBET 2013) |
2013.3:119-123 |
国际会议 |
25 |
An Improved Vector Space Model to Retrieval Systems for Content Matching in Agricultural Information |
RuPeng Luan, Qian Zhang, JunFeng Zhang |
2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Applications (ITCA 2013) |
2013,380-384:2016-2020 |
国际会议 |
26 |
Application and Improvement of Agricultural Information Intelligent Recommendation |
Feng Yu, Qian Zhang, RuPeng Luan |
the 2013 10th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2013) |
2013:499-503 |
国际会议 |
27 |
基于模糊神经网络的蔬菜病害诊断系统研究 |
魏清凤、罗长寿*、曹承忠 、郭 强 |
湖北农业科学 |
2013.9 |
核心 |
28 |
云计算在国内农业信息服务中的研究现状与思考 |
魏清凤、罗长寿、孙素芬、张峻峰 |
中国农业科技导报 |
2013.15 |
核心 |
29 |
基于ACA的农业科研人员科技需求分析方法应用研究 |
罗长寿 |
贵州农业科学 |
2013.1 |
核心 |
30 |
全球农业碳排放趋势及中国的应对措施 |
刘月仙 |
世界农业 |
2013年第1期 |
核心 |
31 |
北京地区畜禽温室气体排放的时空变化分析 |
刘月仙等 |
中国生态农业学报 |
2013年第7期 |
核心 |
32 |
耕地负荷视角下北京市畜禽废弃物资源空间转移可行性分析 |
刘娟 |
农业现代化研究 |
2013年第5期 |
核心 |
33 |
发达国家地区低碳农业技术锁定效应解除路径与启示 |
刘娟 |
世界农业 |
2013年11期 |
核心 |
34 |
E-Science环境下学科馆员知识服务研究 |
郑怀国 |
兰台世界 |
2013(3):117-118 |
核心 |
35 |
领域本体可视化构建研究 |
李光达 常春 张峻峰 |
情报杂志 |
2013.Vol32 No.9 |
核心 |
36 |
白萝卜优良品种及配套栽培技术 |
王富荣、沈建宇、宋彬 |
北方园艺 |
2013.5 |
核心 |
37 |
北京市农民工社会保障现状调查 |
龚晶、张峻峰 |
调研世界 |
2013.11 |
核心 |
38 |
基于物联网的农情监测诊断综合平台的研究 |
于金莹,张 卫,于峰 |
中国农机化 |
2013年第2期第34卷总第246期 |
核心期刊 |
39 |
一种适用于Web日志挖掘的关联规则发现算法 |
栾汝朋,张倩,张峻峰 |
计算机应用与软件 |
2013.30(1):114-116,225 |
核心期刊 |